Thursday, May 21, 2015

Italy 4 Out Secondary Actions

Tonight I stumbled onto a gem of a game. It is a a European U16 Championship Semi Final game between Italy and Spain from 2013. Spain ran some really great sets (that I will post here sometime) and Italy ran some of the best 4 out I've ever seen. I am sure I will post that over time here as well. If you want to see the full game it is here:

Within their motion, I noticed they were running an interesting, yet simple, secondary series which I will diagram that action below. I really liked the introductory flex type action and what they ran out of it.

The action started out with a reversal and the post setting a back/flex screen for the wing on the guard's side. After running that action they ran two different looks.

The first option they ran was to have the post step out and catch the ball. The point then ran off the post and got a dribble hand off and attacked the paint.

They would also quickly swing the ball back to the guard. If they did the guard would get an immediate down hill ball screen from the big. 

A third action they ran, aside from the back screen, was a point to wing dribble at and back cut. As the wing back cut, the post rose. The ball was passed to the post on the elbow. As the post caught it the back side guard dove and the back side wing filled. The point passed to the backside wing filling the guard spot then down screened the ball side wing who back cut.

I am sure as I watch the game more I'll pick out more great secondary actions. These are simple, but very effective. I really like the movement and offensive opportunities they create!

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