Friday, October 17, 2008

Coaching Clinics

This weekend Hubie Brown is appearing at Cass Lake Bena HS for FREE! It's a bummer that I have prior commitments and can't make it, but would encourage anyone else in Minnesota to make the drive and go. Coach Brown is one of the best minds in the game.

This has been a downer of a fall, as I haven't been able to attend any clinics because of lack of funds and time conflicts, but when you are student teaching it happens! I would encourage all coaches to go to as many clinics as time and budget will allow. Next year, I'm hoping to attend every possible clinic as they are a great way to improve your knowledge (and we all know I need a lot of improvement!) as well as get to know other coaches. Below I'm going to give some of my PERSONAL thoughts on clinics:

First, go there with the attitude that you are going to take down every possible tid bit, but only going to USE the things that fit your system and players. It's good to know everything you can, but it doesn't pay to try and use it all. Many times, it's good to have stuff on a given offense or defense just for the simple reason that if you face that offense/defense during the season you will have some information on it. Remember, the coach doing the speaking believes in what he's talking about, it's part of his system, and he's going to make it sound like a million dollars. I've seen a lot of coaches go to a clinic and try to use everything the speakers talk about the following year. Then they go to another clinic and repeat for the following year.

Secondly, take advantage of the down time to talk with other coaches there. Many times, the best advice and information I've gotten from clinics came when talking with coaches during breaks in the clinic. If you see a well respected coach there, or a coach you know, take the time to approach them and ask for their advice. You can get some real gems from these coaches. Also, as a high school coach, these coaches are in the same situation you are and can understand your situation better than some of the big college guys or pros that speak at the clinics.

Thirdly - Bring a ton of notebook paper, blank diagrams on paper, pencils, pens, etc. Write everything down that you can. PERSONALLY, if I DON'T write something down, it's going to be gone before I leave the gym.

Fourth - bring a cushion if you are in the gym. There is nothing worse than bleacher butt after sitting there for a long period of time. A cushion will go along way in helping you to focus on what is being said and not your sore rear!

Lastly - Enjoy yourself! Clinics can be a fun experience. A chance to chat with coaches throughout the state and your conference and learn something new.

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